
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

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“There was a new girl at the poke spot and she was VERY heavy handed,” read the text I sent to the freelance illustrator I’m working on a project with at work.

It was a message meant for my fiancé.

Of course.

This is my go-to emoji. It basically summarizes my life in one image.

It is the “Person Facepalming” emoji.
Otherwise known as :

  • Facepalm

  • Hitting Head

  • Picard

  • SMH

  • Man Face Palm

  • Face Palm

I didn’t know that “facepalm” was an actual term.

I do, however, know the words Corgi Earl Grey Gin and Fever-Tree Indian Tonic Water.
Together, that string of words makes me very happy after a day like today.

There are SO many things I don’t know.

  • What the future holds

  • How to inspire curiosity and motivation within people

  • The proper usage/meaning of the word Scope

  • After Effects

  • Spanish

  • How to lie

  • How to give straight forward answers

There are a couple of things I DO know, though:

  • I know how to do push-up’s

  • That, unless you’re talking math and science, there are no straight forward answers

  • I know that drinking lots water is the answer to everything

  • We can’t survive without being vulnerable more than once in awhile (how about several times a day?)

  • If something is wrong, fix it. There’s no point in waiting around for other people to do it for you.

  • Trump is a terrible person and the Universe will get him sooner than later

  • The only thing in life we have control over is the way we react to things


If you had it your way, where would you be right now?
If I could, I would jump on a plane and head back to this perfect place:





The Endless Day

The Endless Day