
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Endless Day

The Endless Day


The sky has been the same shade of gray all day. What times is it, anyway? 9 am? Noon? 4:15 pm?

Today I’ve spent most of the afternoon streaming TV from Hulu. I’ve also baked scones, washed some laundry and two loads of dishes. It must be Sunday.

A small mouse ran across the kitchen. It was the same gray as the sky with a hint of brown. It came around the door frame and looked into the living room, sniffing around. What’s up, mouse? After doing a lap around the living room it ran back into the kitchen.


While watching a moving on Ted Bundy (very fascinating) I worked on this digital collage. Not sure where this is going but it’s definitely a work in progress.

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