
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!




How many times have you completely changed your life? As in, significant changes: job, place of residence, the person you share a bed with? No, not just place of residence...but, city, town, suburb, planet.

How do you feel about acronyms? I believe there is an acronym spectrum. On the far left of the spectrum are the folks who barf in their mouths at the sheer idea of an acronym. And on the far right, you get folks who take great pride with themselves when 8 of the 9 words in their sentences are acronyms.

Where on the spectrum do you fall? I'm somewhere between the middle and the far left. I never really feel like barfing in my mouth...but, I do at times envision punching those who overuse acronyms in the face.

Changing the size of your bed. Now, that is a huge life change. I remember the childhood days of twin beds, the new-to-me full sized beds of my 20's, the first time I bought a new queen sized bed on my own and all for myself. And then, sleeping with your person in a king-sized something or other?! #mindblowing

Have you ever felt so sure about something and two days later slap yourself in the face asking, "what were you thinking, lady!?"

When was the first time you realized things weren't what they seemed? No, really. Maybe it hit you when you were 6 but you were too young, and it didn't sink in. Then perhaps, around 8 or 9 you have a moment where you look at the adults around you and realize...things are not what they seem. When was your first time?

What are you going to do today? If not today, when? Today’s gonna make a wonderful yesterday. #randomporvida

Girl Stuff

Girl Stuff

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