
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Quarantine Collage Eyes

Quarantine Collage Eyes


Do you think the universe hears your pain and throws you a fucking bone once in a while?

It’s been four years since Prince died. I cried that day. And, danced with a bunch of weirdos with his music blaring from a boombox outside of SF city hall. It was a #moment I’ll never forget. But, I’ll also always remember seeing him live just two months before. It was a life-changing show. Right up there with seeing Grinderman up close at The Great American.

Back in CA after three years in the East Coast and I’m sitting in my f’n HOUSE (not an apartment on top of a billion other people) with the front door open and a dry 64 degrees outside. I smell blooming flowers and there are bees and mosquitos and squirrels and blue jays and all that calm pretty stuff.

In the midst of the pandemic, I’m busy with work and family drama and all I can do is dream of escaping to the beach of the Dominican Republic. Remember when we used to take vacations? #sigh

This week (and it’s Wednesday!) has been the longest week. I want to just sit and read and collage and bake Mexican pan dulce and drink gin and tonics without feeling guilty.

Honor my reality. Please.

The thing about getting your dead sister's mail...

The thing about getting your dead sister's mail...

